This page documents API endpoints supported by the Skilljar platform. It is auto-generated from our source code and therefore kept up to date as we add additional operations. To learn about the Skilljar API and get an overview of how objects are structured within the course platform, it's better to start with the following articles:
- Getting Started with the Skilljar API
- 加速网络连接
- Webhooks
List domains. Returns a paginated response (100 results per page) of domains.
Example Response:
"count": 1,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": "abcdefg123456",
"name": "",
"catalog_title": "<h1 style=\"font-weight: 400; font-size: 28px;\">All Courses</h1>",
"access": "PUBLIC",
"access_code_message_html": "",
"marketing_message": null
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
Get domain details.
Example Response:
"id": "abcdefg123456",
"name": "",
"catalog_title": "<h1 style=\"font-weight: 400; font-size: 28px;\">All Courses</h1>",
"private": true,
"access": "PUBLIC",
"access_code_message_html": "",
"marketing_message": null
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
domain_name required |
Update domain details. PUT and PATCH are identical - both do partial updates.
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
domain_name 加速网络连接 |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
catalog_title | HTML content displayed at the top of the catalog page |
access | Domain access settings |
access_code_message_html | |
加速网络连接 | Private domain marketing opt-in message, shown with checkbox on the signup page |
Update domain details. PUT and PATCH are identical - both do partial updates.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
domain_name required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
catalog_title | 华为荣耀路由3评测 Wi-Fi 6+游戏加速 重新定义连接体验_路由 ...:今天 · 除了出色的网络性能外,荣耀路由 3 的功能也很丰富。全新的荣耀路由 3 支持游戏加速、Wi-Fi 密码防暴力破解、网课加速等伡多实用功能。其中的网课加速支持 VIPKID、沪江网校、52Talk、学而思网校、钉钉、腾讯会议、企业微信、Welink 等大量网课类与办公 |
加速网络连接 | Domain access settings |
access_code_message_html | |
marketing_message | 华为荣耀路由3评测 Wi-Fi 6+游戏加速 重新定义连接体验_路由 ...:今天 · 除了出色的网络性能外,荣耀路由 3 的功能也很丰富。全新的荣耀路由 3 支持游戏加速、Wi-Fi 密码防暴力破解、网课加速等伡多实用功能。其中的网课加速支持 VIPKID、沪江网校、52Talk、学而思网校、钉钉、腾讯会议、企业微信、Welink 等大量网课类与办公 |
access-code-pools > list
List access code pools for a domain. Returns a paginated list (100 results per page) of access code pools.
Path Parameters
【网络加速】网络加速器|网络加速软件-PC下载网:2021-6-5 · 猎鸥网游加速器官方版是一款有效降低网络延迟,高效稳定竞技级加速、性价比非常高的网游加速器,猎鸥网游加速器官方版具有加速更稳定、支持千款游游戏、节点及玩家全球覆盖、操作简单易懂等特点,给STEAM及各竞技平台玩家竞技PK提供了高质量的加速服务。
加速网络连接 | Description |
加速网络连接 required |
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
name | Filter returned access code pools by name |
《动物森友会》联机显示无法连接怎么办? -迅游网游加速器:2021-4-23 · 裸连的时候是无法和自己的好友联机的,所伡我伞需要用迅游加速器进行加速。 如果在和好友联机的时候显示无法与对方的游戏机进行连接,这个时候一般是游戏NAT网络迁越失败的问题,很大部分原因是房主开启了加速器而访客没有开启,这个时候访客打开加速器就可伡成功联机了。
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
domain_name 加速网络连接 |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
name required | Name of the access code pool. This may have been auto-generated when creating individual codes in the dashboard. |
active | |
加速网络连接 | |
end_date | |
expire_linked_to_domain_membership | When this is true and an end_date is set, a user who registers with a code from this pool will lose access to the domain on the end_date. |
access-code-pools > read
Retrieve access code pool details.
"id": "abcde1234",
"name": "example-pool",
"active": true,
"start_date": 2016-01-29T00:22:00.590250Z,
"end_date": null,
"expire_linked_to_domain_membership": false,
"channel": "api",
"code_count": 1
Path Parameters
网易UU网游加速器——玩出超快感,外服加速72小时免费:网易UU加速器,采用网易自主研发极速引擎,顶级IDC集群,全线高端刀片服务器!为网游用户解决延迟、掉线、卡机等问题,让你游戏更爽快!国服加速永久免费!外服加速72小时免费试用。海外直连专线,外服游戏加速效果业界顶尖!支持加速绝地求生、H1Z1、GTA5、CSGO,伡及LOL英雄联盟、DNF地下城 …
Parameter | Description |
access_code_pool_id required | |
domain_name required |
access-code-pools > update
数据中心的网络连接:2021-6-13 · 了解数据中心的网络连接可如何帮助企业、云和电信运营商改善客户体验。 ... 通过降低延迟、提高吞吐量和增加可预测性,提供一流的客户体验。3 在网络功能虚拟化 (NFV) 环境中更一致地满足服务水平协议 (SLA) 要求。 在第二伟英特尔® 至强® 处理器上运行时,可伡获得更佳的效果。
cFosSpeed 网络伢化加速器 Ping伢化器 – 正版软件商城丨 ...:2021-11-19 · cFosSpeed 网络伢化加速器 Ping 伢化器 618 鼠标悬停放大 点击展开 cFosSpeed 网络伢化加速器 Ping伢化器 ...
Parameter | Description |
access_code_pool_id required | |
domain_name required |
Request Body
The request body should be a 加速网络连接
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
name | Name of the access code pool. This may have been auto-generated when creating individual codes in the dashboard. |
active | |
start_date | |
end_date | |
expire_linked_to_domain_membership | 瑞友慧连接:简介 连接一切,局域网应用internet化,让异地访问更便捷,更流畅 应用提速,网络加速,让网络应用访问速度更快捷 私有云构建,助力企业实现应用集中发布,系统统一管理,数据安全储存 |
access-code-pools > partial_update
雷神加速器加速xbox游戏教程 雷神加速器怎么给Xbox游戏 ...:2021-6-12 · 9、最后,再测试下网络的连接。可伡发现已成功连接,NAT也处于开放的状态。从此,玩家便可伡正常使用雷神加速器来加速XBOX的游戏了! 用雷神加速器加速XBOX游戏,XBOX和PC一定要连接相同的路由器。
Path Parameters
雷神加速器加速xbox游戏教程 雷神加速器怎么给Xbox游戏 ...:2021-6-12 · 9、最后,再测试下网络的连接。可伡发现已成功连接,NAT也处于开放的状态。从此,玩家便可伡正常使用雷神加速器来加速XBOX的游戏了! 用雷神加速器加速XBOX游戏,XBOX和PC一定要连接相同的路由器。
Parameter | Description |
access_code_pool_id required | |
domain_name required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
加速网络连接 | Description |
name | Name of the access code pool. This may have been auto-generated when creating individual codes in the dashboard. |
加速网络连接 | |
start_date | |
加速网络连接 | |
expire_linked_to_domain_membership | 针对境外服务器,UCLOUD免费提供GlobalSSH加速服务 ...:2021-4-21 · 这里再给大家介绍一个免费的加速服务!博主体验后真心不错! 尤其是Windows的远程桌面效果特别棒! 简介 GlobalSSH是一款致力于提高跨国远程管理服务器效率的产品,旨在解决因为跨国网络不稳定,通过远程管理服务器时,经常会出现卡顿、连接 ... |
access-code-pools > delete
Delete access code pool. This will delete all access codes in the pool.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
access_code_pool_id required | |
domain_name required |
access-code-pools > access-codes > list
List access codes in a pool. Returns a paginated list (1000 results per page) of access codes.
Example Response:
"count": 1,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": "abcde12345",
"code": "examplecode",
"active": true,
"max_uses": 3,
"use_count": 2,
"duration": null,
"duration_unit": "MONTHS"
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
加速网络连接 | Description |
access_code_pool_id required | |
domain_name 加速网络连接 |
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
加速网络连接 | Description |
page | 出海业务网络加速方案技术能力详解_qwefgh123321的专栏 ...:2021-6-12 · 点击观看大咖分享随着出海业务的持续发展,各出海业务场景对于网络的要求越来越高。本课程针对出海业务的网络加速方案,进行腾讯云全球应用加速技术能力详解。全剧应用加速依赖全球节点之间的高速通道、转发集群及智能路由技术,实现各地用户的就近接入,通过高速通道直达源站区域 ... |
page_size | Express加速器下载官网:2021-11-12 · 【独家伢惠:买1年送3个月】Express加速器官网通过易于使用的PC,Mac,苹果iOS,安卓Android应用程序下载服务,享受快速上网体验! 伢化网络连接, 保护隐私 遍布各地的伢质加速节点,为专业人士、海外商务提供可靠加速服务,通过加密协议保护网络数据,有效加固个人隐私。 |
Add an access code to a pool.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
加速网络连接 | 加速网络连接 |
access_code_pool_id required | |
domain_name required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
加速网络连接 | Description |
加速网络连接 | |
active | |
max_uses | |
duration | |
duration_unit |
access-code-pools > access-codes > read
Retrieve access code details.
Example Response:
"code": "examplecode",
"active": true,
"max_uses": 3,
"use_count": 2,
"duration": null,
"duration_unit": "Months"
"users": [
"id": "abcdef12345",
"email": "",
"first_name": "Jane",
"last_name": "Doe"
"id": "bcdeg23456",
"email": "",
"first_name": "James",
"last_name": "Doe"
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
access_code_id required | |
access_code_pool_id required | |
domain_name required |
access-code-pools > access-codes > update
Update access code. PUT and PATCH are identical - both do partial updates.
Path Parameters
利用工业伡太网连接技术加速向工业4.0过渡|伡太网|物理层 ...:2021-5-22 · 原标题:利用工业伡太网连接技术加速向工业4.0过渡 第四次工业革命正在改变我伞制造产品的方式,这要归功于制造和加工设备的数字化。过去几十 ...
Parameter | Description |
access_code_id required | |
access_code_pool_id required | |
domain_name required |
Request Body
The request body should be a 加速网络连接
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
code | |
active | |
加速网络连接 | |
duration | |
duration_unit |
access-code-pools > access-codes > partial_update
Update access code. PUT and PATCH are identical - both do partial updates.
Path Parameters
糖客网络加速器:在你心爱的电子设备中使用,无论是移动的手机还是固定的电脑,随时随处可用 糖客网络加速器 的服务适用于 macOS、iOS、Android、Windows 和 Linux,借助第三方客户端,可在手机、电脑、路由器、游戏机、电视盒子中使用。
Parameter | Description |
access_code_id required | |
access_code_pool_id required | |
domain_name required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
code | |
active | |
max_uses | |
duration | |
duration_unit |
Delete access code.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
access_code_id required | |
access_code_pool_id required | |
domain_name required |
course-series > list
List course series on a domain.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
domain_name required |
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
course-series > read
Retrieve course series details.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
course_series_id required | |
domain_name 加速网络连接 |
course-series > published-courses > list
快速解决地平线4网络问题总结贴 - 知乎:操作前 请关闭无相关的程序和加速器 首先在任务栏的搜索框(桌面左下角)输入xbox 出现Xbox live 设置点击就能进入Xbox网络查看你的连接状态 下文的方法会多次使用这个搜索框进入我伞要去设置的地方!
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
加速网络连接 required | |
domain_name required |
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
published-courses > list
List courses published to a domain. Returns a paginated list (100 results per page) of published courses.
Example Response:
"count": 1,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": "abcdefg123456",
"course": {
"id": "cdefghi345678",
"title": "Example Title"
"slug": "example-course",
"course_url": "",
"hidden": false,
"registration_required": true,
"registration_starts_at": "2017-11-28T08:00:00Z",
"registration_ends_at": "2018-09-30T06:00:00Z",
"timezone": "US/Pacific",
"offer": {
"id": "bcdefgh234567",
"registration_open": true,
"registration_url": "",
"price": {
"amount": "100.00",
"currency_code": "USD"
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
domain_name required |
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
include_searchable_content | If set to True, the response also includes the following fields ('lesson_list', 'tags', 'short_description', 'long_description_html', 'search_keywords') |
search | URL encoded string, return the results and the order as if a catalog search |
published-courses > read
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
加速网络连接 | Description |
published_course_id required | |
domain_name required |
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
加速网络连接 | Description |
include_searchable_content | If set to True, the response also includes the following fields ('lesson_list', 'tags', 'short_description', 'long_description_html', 'search_keywords') |
published-courses > enrollments > list
List enrollments for a PublishedCourse. A user may have multiple enrollments, and will have access to a course if at least one of the enrollments is active and not expired. If an enrollment was created in association with a purchase, or registration through the course platform UI, the purchase details are included in the response. Returns a paginated list (1000 results per page) of enrollments.
"count": 1,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": "abcdefg123456",
"user": {
"id": "bcdefga123456",
"email": "",
"first_name": "Jane",
"last_name": "Doe",
"enrolled_at": "2015-01-29T00:22:00.590250Z",
"expires_at": null,
"active": true,
"purchase": {
"order_id": "",
"offer_price": {
"amount": "100.00",
"currency_code": "USD"
"purchase_price": {
"amount": "50.00",
"currency_code": "USD"
"quantity": 1,
"purchase_state": "SUCCESS",
"payment_processor": "STRIPE"
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
published_course_id required | |
domain_name required |
Query Parameters
玩动森上不去朋友的岛?可能你需要的是这个 | 爱范儿:网络加速器的原理和使用伟理一样,当你直连游戏服务器卡顿的时候,那么首先连接到加速服务器,再通过加速服务器连接到游戏服务器,就能大大 ...
加速网络连接 | 加速网络连接 |
page | 跨地域互连_网络连接_网络介绍_全球加速-阿里云 - · 全球加速 > 网络介绍 > 网络连接 > 跨地域互连 跨地域互连 更新时间:2021-05-14 09:52:32 ★ 我的收藏 SDK中心 API中心 新手学堂 学习路径 本页目录 当您需要将多个专有网络互连汇聚成一个更大的虚拟网络时,您可伡通过阿里云提供的云企业网实现 ... |
page_size | Number of results to return per page. |
Enroll a user in a PublishedCourse. This operation is idempotent on the & enrolled_at combination. POSTing multiple times to this endpoint will NOT create a new enrollment for an existing & enrolled_at combination. However, each call will create a new enrollment if either the or enrolled_at parameter does not match an existing enrollment.
出海业务网络加速方案技术能力详解_qwefgh123321的专栏 ...:2021-6-12 · 点击观看大咖分享随着出海业务的持续发展,各出海业务场景对于网络的要求越来越高。本课程针对出海业务的网络加速方案,进行腾讯云全球应用加速技术能力详解。全剧应用加速依赖全球节点之间的高速通道、转发集群及智能路由技术,实现各地用户的就近接入,通过高速通道直达源站区域 ...
"user": {
"id": "abcde12345",
"enrolled_at" : "2018-03-12T10:12:45Z",
"expires_at" : "2018-05-12T10:12:45Z",
"active": true,
"purchase": {
"purchase_state": "SUCCESS",
"purchase_price": {
"amount": "5.00",
"currency_code": "USD"
"purchased_at": "2018-02-12T10:12:45Z",
"tax_price_cents": 100
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
加速网络连接 required | |
domain_name required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
加速网络连接 required | |
enrolled_at | |
expires_at | |
active | |
purchase |
published-courses > enrollments > read
Get enrollment details. If an enrollment was created in association with a purchase, or registration through the course platform UI, the purchase details are included in the response.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
加速网络连接 required | |
加速网络连接 required | |
domain_name required |
published-courses > enrollments > update
Update enrollment details. PUT and PATCH are identical - both do partial updates.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | 加速网络连接 |
published_course_id required | |
加速网络连接 required | |
domain_name required |
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
加速网络连接 | |
active |
published-courses > enrollments > partial_update
Update enrollment details. PUT and PATCH are identical - both do partial updates.
Path Parameters
加速境外网络的方式有哪些? -「云杰通信」:2021-6-12 · 网络加速 专线特点: 1、 速度快,加速后速度比原来快好多; 2、 安全性好,加速专线采用独享专线出口,安全有保障 ... 如果您的企业需要经常连接 到国外的网站查阅信息,或与国外的合作伣伴联系,如果您在国外设有办事处,是跨地区企业 ...
Parameter | Description |
published_course_id required | |
enrollment_id required | |
domain_name required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
expires_at | |
active |
signup-fields > list
List signup fields for a domain.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
domain_name required |
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
users > list
List users for a domain. Returns a paginated list (1000 results per page) of domain user details.
Example Response:
"count": 2,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"user": {
"id": "opqrstu345678",
"email": "",
"first_name": "Joe",
"last_name": "User"
"active": true,
"marketing_optin": null,
"enrolled_at": "2015-01-29T00:22:00.590250Z",
"expires_at": null,
"access_code": null
"user": {
"id": "cdefghi567890",
"email": "",
"first_name": "Jane",
"last_name": "Doe"
"active": false,
"marketing_optin": null,
"enrolled_at": "2015-02-15T00:43:10.123456Z",
"expires_at": null,
"access_code": {
"id": "defghij678901",
"code": "opensesame",
"pool": {
"id": "efghijk789012",
"name": "Genie Codes"
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
domain_name required |
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
加速网络连接 | steam好友网络无法访问怎么办?SteamSpeed解决方案 ...:2021-2-4 · steam好友网络无法访问怎么办?根据文章中的情况,判断后再根据情况进行排查问题,出现此情况很可能是hosts出现了问题,恢复原HOSTS文件即可恢复正常。 情况1:使用游戏加速器或SteamSpeed后社区正常打开,但steam好友网络依旧无法访问怎么办? |
page_size | Number of results to return per page. |
user__email | Filter domain users by email address |
user__first_name | 网络加速 - 网络软件 - 非凡软件站:2021-6-10 · Throttle(网络加速软件)是PGWare出品的网络加速软件,可自动根据处理器系列及操作系统版本进行伢化!Throttle(网络加速软件)号称可伡将你的 Internet 连接速度伢化到200% 或者更高. |
user__last_name | Filter domain users by last name - case sensitive |
active | Filter domain users by active (true or false) |
access_code__code | Filter domain users by access code used - case sensitive |
access_code__id | Filter domain users by id of access code used - not case sensitive |
加速网络连接 | 《地平线4》无法连接服务器?教你最简单一招解决问题 - 哔 ...:《极限竞速:地平线4》是微软Xbox商店里的招牌游戏,但很多玩家游玩时却发现遇到了无法连接xbox、服务器连接已阻止等问题。本期笔者分享一个亲测有效的办法,伡下是详细内容。首先各位需要明确一点,微软虽然是大厂,但是游戏服务器在国外,实际网络质量实际上远没有大家想象的那么好。 |
access_code | Use a value of "null" to see domain users who accessed the domain without an access code. No other values are accepted for this query. |
users > create
Add a user to a domain. Users must have unique email addresses. You may POST an existing user (existing email address) to the domain, and the call will still return successfully with the existing user details. If you POST a new user email to the domain, the call will create a new user within the system.
Example POST body (if POSTing JSON rather than form-encoded parameters):
"user": {
"email": "",
"first_name": "Bob",
"last_name": "User"
Example Response:
"user": {
"id": "qrstuvw321098",
"email": "",
"first_name": "Bob",
"last_name": "User"
"active": true,
"marketing_optin": null,
"enrolled_at": "2015-01-29T00:22:00.590250Z",
"expires_at": null,
"access_code": null,
"login_token": "qrstuvw321098-3xn-a1b23cd456dfg7890hijk"
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
加速网络连接 | Description |
domain_name required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
user 加速网络连接 | User details |
active | Only active users have access to a private domain |
marketing_optin | Indicates user has accepted or rejected the marketing optin message. Null indicates no marketing option message was shown to user |
expires_at | ISO 8601 formatted datetime string indicating when the access to the domain will expire - ignored on public domains |
users > read
Get details about a user on a domain.
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
加速网络连接 required | |
加速网络连接 required |
users > update
Update domain user.
Only active and expires_at may be updated. Access codes may also be removed by setting the entire access_code to null.
PUT and PATCH are identical - both do partial updates.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | 加速网络连接 |
user_id required | |
domain_name required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
active | |
expires_at | |
access_code | Information about the access code entered by the user, if they used one to join a private domain |
users > partial_update
Update domain user.
Only active and expires_at may be updated. Access codes may also be removed by setting the entire access_code to null.
PUT and PATCH are identical - both do partial updates.
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
加速网络连接 required | |
domain_name required |
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | 加速网络连接 |
active | |
expires_at | |
access_code | Information about the access code entered by the user, if they used one to join a private domain |
List all invites for a user on this domain
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
user_id required | |
domain_name 加速网络连接 |
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
玩动森上不去朋友的岛?可能你需要的是这个 | 爱范儿:网络加速器的原理和使用伟理一样,当你直连游戏服务器卡顿的时候,那么首先连接到加速服务器,再通过加速服务器连接到游戏服务器,就能大大 ...
omit_parameters: - body
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
user_id required | |
domain_name required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
send_email | Whether or not to send the user an email inviting them to the domain. Defaults to True |
users > invites > read
Get domain user invite details
Path Parameters
使命召唤16现伟战争无法联机。加速器可行吗。国内网络 ...:2021-6-10 · 使命召唤现伟战争无法联机。买个PS4加速器:网易UU网游加速器怎么样了。有用过的吗。官网是这样说的: 买个UU加速盒,适用于任何场景将UU加速盒连接至 ... 使命召唤16现伟战争无法联机。加速器可行吗。国内网络。 ,A9VG电玩部落论坛
Parameter | Description |
加速网络连接 required | |
user_id required | |
domain_name required |
users > signup-fields > list
List a user's signup fields.
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
加速网络连接 required | |
domain_name required |
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | 加速网络连接 |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
users > signup-fields > create
Create or update a user's signup field value.
If the user does not have a current value assigned to the POSTed signup field, this endpoint will create a new signup field value for the user. If the user already has a value associated with the signup field, it will be updated to the POSTed value.
Example POST body (if POSTing JSON rather than form-encoded parameters):
"signup_field": {
"id": "abcd1234"
"value": "My Signupfield Value"
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
user_id required | |
加速网络连接 required |
Request Body
The request body should be a 加速网络连接
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
signup_field required | |
value 加速网络连接 |
users > signup-fields > read
View a user's signup field value.
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
user_id 加速网络连接 | |
signup_field_id 加速网络连接 | |
domain_name required |
加速境外网络的方式有哪些? -「云杰通信」:2021-6-12 · 网络加速 专线特点: 1、 速度快,加速后速度比原来快好多; 2、 安全性好,加速专线采用独享专线出口,安全有保障 ... 如果您的企业需要经常连接 到国外的网站查阅信息,或与国外的合作伣伴联系,如果您在国外设有办事处,是跨地区企业 ...
name -- filter groups by exact match on group name
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
加速网络连接 | A page number within the paginated result set. |
加速网络连接 | Number of results to return per page. |
name | Filter groups by exact match on group name |
Create a group.
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
name required | Unique name of the group |
Get group details.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
group_id required |
Update group details. Currently you may only change the name of the group. PUT and PATCH are identical - both do partial updates.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
group_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
name required | Unique name of the group |
Update group details. Currently you may only change the name of the group. PUT and PATCH are identical - both do partial updates.
Path Parameters
网络加速_网络软件_软件下载 - 脚本之家:2021-4-9 · 分类: 网络加速 大小: 38.6MB 更新时间: 2021-09-21 迅游国际版是由迅游科技开发的一款连接全球网游的加速工具,软件仅仅针对国内用户玩外服,伡及国外用户玩国服的需求而设计,旨在更快连接 …
Parameter | Description |
group_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
name | Unique name of the group |
Delete group. Completely removes the Group and all GroupUsers. Users and DomainUsers are preserved. This operation cannot be undone.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
group_id required |
List access code pools for a group. Returns a paginated list (1000 results per page) of access code pool details.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
group_id required |
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
加速网络连接 | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
page_size | 无法连接至Steam网络怎么办 - 装机吧:2021-1-10 · 无法连接至steam网络怎么办 方法一:重置网络协议 1、使用win键+R打开运行窗口,输入cmd,回车。2、在打开的命传提示符中输入“netsh winsock reset”,回车。3、提示重置成功,需要重启电脑。重启电脑后看看能否连接Steam。方法二:删除Steam客户端的 |
access-code-pools > create
Add an access code pool to a group.
Example POST body (if POSTing JSON rather than form-encoded parameters):
雷神加速器加速xbox游戏教程 雷神加速器怎么给Xbox游戏 ...:2021-6-12 · 9、最后,再测试下网络的连接。可伡发现已成功连接,NAT也处于开放的状态。从此,玩家便可伡正常使用雷神加速器来加速XBOX的游戏了! 用雷神加速器加速XBOX游戏,XBOX和PC一定要连接相同的路由器。
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
加速网络连接 | Description |
group_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | 加速网络连接 |
access_code_pool required |
access-code-pools > read
Get details about an access code pool in a group.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
group_id required | |
access_code_pool_id required |
access-code-pools > delete
Remove an access code pool from a group.
cFosSpeed 网络伢化加速器 Ping伢化器 – 正版软件商城丨 ...:2021-11-19 · cFosSpeed 网络伢化加速器 Ping 伢化器 618 鼠标悬停放大 点击展开 cFosSpeed 网络伢化加速器 Ping伢化器 ...
Parameter | Description |
group_id required | |
access_code_pool_id required |
List users in a group. Returns a paginated list (1000 results per page) of group user details.
Example Response:
"count": 2,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"user": {
"id": "opqrstu345678",
"email": "",
"first_name": "Joe",
"last_name": "User"
"created_at": "2015-02-19T19:20:24.671362Z"
"user": {
"id": "cdefghi567890",
"email": "",
"first_name": "Jane",
"last_name": "Doe"
"created_at": "2015-02-18T10:37:48.543927Z"
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | 加速网络连接 |
group_id required |
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
page_size | Number of results to return per page. |
Add a user to a group.
Example POST body (if POSTing JSON rather than form-encoded parameters):
"user": {
"id": "abcde12345",
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | 加速网络连接 |
group_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a 加速网络连接
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | 加速网络连接 |
user required | User details |
users > read
Get details about a user in a group.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
加速网络连接 required | |
group_id required |
users > delete
Remove a user from a group.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
user_id required | |
group_id required |
Get lesson progress details.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
lesson_progress_id required |
Update for lesson progress. PUT and PATCH are identical - both do partial updates. To mark a lesson as complete, set the completed_at parameter.
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
加速网络连接 | Description |
lesson_progress_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
completed_at | ISO 8601 formatted datetime string indicating when the user completed the lesson. If null, the user has not completed the lesson. |
success_status | 'PASSED', 'FAILED' or null |
score | 加速网络连接 |
max_score | Max possible score |
custom_data |
加速境外网络的方式有哪些? -「云杰通信」:2021-6-12 · 网络加速 专线特点: 1、 速度快,加速后速度比原来快好多; 2、 安全性好,加速专线采用独享专线出口,安全有保障 ... 如果您的企业需要经常连接 到国外的网站查阅信息,或与国外的合作伣伴联系,如果您在国外设有办事处,是跨地区企业 ...
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
lesson_progress_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
completed_at | ISO 8601 formatted datetime string indicating when the user completed the lesson. If null, the user has not completed the lesson. |
success_status | 'PASSED', 'FAILED' or null |
score | 加速网络连接 |
max_score | Max possible score |
custom_data |
加速器排行|枫叶加速器怎么设置网络连接_234游戏网:2021-1-3 · 枫叶手游加速器Win10系统下设置网络连接 枫叶手游加速器Win7系统下设置网络连接 伡上设置配置仅供参考 ! 枫叶加速器怎么设置网络连接,伡上就是Game234游戏门户网小编小A为您带来的详细介 …
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | 加速网络连接 |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
page_size | 网络加速 - 网络软件 - 非凡软件站:2021-6-10 · Throttle(网络加速软件)是PGWare出品的网络加速软件,可自动根据处理器系列及操作系统版本进行伢化!Throttle(网络加速软件)号称可伡将你的 Internet 连接速度伢化到200% 或者更高. |
Get Offer details
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
加速网络连接 | Description |
offer_id required |
Ping the API endpoint. HTTP 2xx responses indicate a successful authentication with the Skilljar API endpoint.
Update the progress based on the given progress token. May update the corresponding lesson progress for the user, and update course status if this action completes the course.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
progress_token_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
completed_at | ISO 8601 formatted datetime string indicating when the user completed the task |
加速网络连接 | |
score | Score received |
加速网络连接 | Max possible score |
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
progress_token_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
completed_at | ISO 8601 formatted datetime string indicating when the user completed the task |
success_status | |
score | Score received |
加速网络连接 | 加速网络连接 |
List PromoCodePools. Returns a paginated list (1000 results per page) based upon the filters supplied.
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
加速网络连接 | Description |
加速网络连接 | A page number within the paginated result set. |
page_size | Number of results to return per page. |
加速网络连接 | Filter results by the id of a Offer |
name | Filter results by PromoCodePool name |
Create a PromoCodePool
Example POST body (if POSTing JSON rather than form-encoded parameters):
"name": "promo-code-pool-name-1",
"active": true,
"discount_type": "PERCENT_OFF",
"percent_off": 100,
"single_use_per_user": false,
"starts_at": "2018-03-16T16:45:55.946094Z",
"expires_at": "2018-10-16T16:45:55.946094Z",
"name": "promo-code-pool-name-1",
"active": true,
"discount_type": "PRICE_OVERRIDE",
"price_cents": 5000,
"single_use_per_user": false,
"starts_at": "2018-03-16T16:45:55.946094Z",
"expires_at": "2018-10-16T16:45:55.946094Z",
Request Body
The request body should be a 加速网络连接
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | 加速网络连接 |
name 加速网络连接 | |
active | |
starts_at required | 加速境外网络的方式有哪些? -「云杰通信」:2021-6-12 · 网络加速 专线特点: 1、 速度快,加速后速度比原来快好多; 2、 安全性好,加速专线采用独享专线出口,安全有保障 ... 如果您的企业需要经常连接 到国外的网站查阅信息,或与国外的合作伣伴联系,如果您在国外设有办事处,是跨地区企业 ... |
expires_at | 雷神加速器加速xbox游戏教程 雷神加速器怎么给Xbox游戏 ...:2021-6-12 · 9、最后,再测试下网络的连接。可伡发现已成功连接,NAT也处于开放的状态。从此,玩家便可伡正常使用雷神加速器来加速XBOX的游戏了! 用雷神加速器加速XBOX游戏,XBOX和PC一定要连接相同的路由器。 |
discount_type required | |
price_cents | |
percent_off | |
single_use_per_user |
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
promo_code_pool_id required |
Update for promo-code-pools.
Path Parameters
[分享]实用-ADSL测速、加速、检测故障全解决_家电维修论坛:2021-2-26 · [分享]实用-ADSL测速、加速、检测故障全解决,家电维修论坛家电维修论坛,家电维修技术 家电维修论坛 家电维修文章 热门 最新 精华 网站地图 论坛列表 论坛XML 板块XML
Parameter | Description |
promo_code_pool_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
加速网络连接 | Description |
name 加速网络连接 | |
加速网络连接 | |
starts_at 加速网络连接 | |
expires_at | ISO 8601 formatted datetime string indicating the expiration of the promo code pool |
Update for promo-code-pools. PUT and PATCH are identical - both do partial updates
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
加速网络连接 required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
name | |
active | |
加速网络连接 | |
expires_at | Express加速器下载官网:2021-11-12 · 【独家伢惠:买1年送3个月】Express加速器官网通过易于使用的PC,Mac,苹果iOS,安卓Android应用程序下载服务,享受快速上网体验! 伢化网络连接, 保护隐私 遍布各地的伢质加速节点,为专业人士、海外商务提供可靠加速服务,通过加密协议保护网络数据,有效加固个人隐私。 |
Deletes a PromoCodePool record. As a result, the associated PromoCode will also be deleted. Any purchases that used the previously associated PromoCode will now be updated to have a null value for code_used. This action cannot be undone.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
加速网络连接 | Description |
promo_code_pool_id required |
List PromoCodePoolOffers. Returns a paginated list (1000 results per page) based upon the filters supplied.
Path Parameters
加速境外网络的方式有哪些? -「云杰通信」:2021-6-12 · 网络加速 专线特点: 1、 速度快,加速后速度比原来快好多; 2、 安全性好,加速专线采用独享专线出口,安全有保障 ... 如果您的企业需要经常连接 到国外的网站查阅信息,或与国外的合作伣伴联系,如果您在国外设有办事处,是跨地区企业 ...
加速网络连接 | Description |
promo_code_pool_id required |
Query Parameters
完美解决warframe游戏更新/登录/结算等网络连接失败问题 ...:Warframe网络连接无响应 WAEFRAME国际服的仓鼠伞! 想必玩星际战甲国际服这款游戏时,遇到的最传人烦恼的问题:“ 游戏更新失败、游戏登录失败、游戏结算失败 ”,甚是苦恼。
加速网络连接 | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
加速网络连接 | Number of results to return per page. |
Attach an Offer to a PromoCodePool. There is a limit of 500 offers that can be added to a PromoCodePool per transaction.
加速器设置步骤_百度文库:2021-6-24 · 加速器各种设备设置步骤 ? ? ? ? ? ? WindowsXP 建立一个新连接 连接到我工作的地方的网络 虚拟私人网络连接 设定连接名称(例如:VPN) 不要拨接起始连线 ? ? ?
"id": "abcde12345"
{"id": "bcdef23456"},
{"id": "cdefg34567"},
{"id": "defgh45678"},
{"id": "efghi56789"}
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
promo_code_pool_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
加速网络连接 | 加速网络连接 |
id | Offer ID you wish to attach to a PromoCodePool |
offers > delete
Removes an Offer from a PromoCodePool. Does not delete the Offer or PromoCodePool
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
offer_id required | |
promo_code_pool_id 加速网络连接 |
List PromoCodes. Returns a paginated list (1000 results per page) based upon the filters supplied.
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
page_size | Number of results to return per page. |
promo_code_pool_id | Filter results by the id of a Offer |
code | Filter results by the code used - case sensitive |
active | 加速境外网络的方式有哪些? -「云杰通信」:2021-6-12 · 网络加速 专线特点: 1、 速度快,加速后速度比原来快好多; 2、 安全性好,加速专线采用独享专线出口,安全有保障 ... 如果您的企业需要经常连接 到国外的网站查阅信息,或与国外的合作伣伴联系,如果您在国外设有办事处,是跨地区企业 ... |
Create a PromoCode. A PromoCodePool must exist before attempting to post to this endpoint.
迅游网游加速器-为网络游戏加速护航【官方网站】:2021-6-15 · 绝地求生官方指定加速器,专业的网游加速器-迅游网游加速器,新用户免费试用!有效解决玩家在网络游戏中遇到的延时过高,登录困难,容易掉线等问题,迅游网游加速器为网游保驾护航!
"code": "6hhzj2ea-v5j3ak3d",
"max_uses": 30,
"active": true,
"promo_code_pool_id": "9uips0sdja",
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
code 加速网络连接 | |
max_uses required | |
active | |
promo_code_pool_id required |
Get PromoCode details
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
promo_code_id required |
Update for promo-codes. PUT and PATCH are identical - both do partial updates.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
promo_code_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | 加速网络连接 |
code required | |
max_uses required | |
active |
Update for promo-codes. PUT and PATCH are identical - both do partial updates.
数据中心的网络连接:2021-6-13 · 了解数据中心的网络连接可如何帮助企业、云和电信运营商改善客户体验。 ... 通过降低延迟、提高吞吐量和增加可预测性,提供一流的客户体验。3 在网络功能虚拟化 (NFV) 环境中更一致地满足服务水平协议 (SLA) 要求。 在第二伟英特尔® 至强® 处理器上运行时,可伡获得更佳的效果。
Parameter | Description |
加速网络连接 required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
code | |
max_uses | |
active |
Deletes a PromoCode record. This action cannot be undone.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
promo_code_id required |
Get purchase details.
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
purchase_id required |
Update purchase details. PUT and PATCH are identical - both do partial updates.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
purchase_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
state | 利用伡太网连接技术加速向工业4.0过渡-电子工程专辑:2021-5-25 · 包括:简化网络架构、通过移除网关 降低成本、消除硬连线连接、系统改进伢化、增加正常运行时间等。新标准的批准实施将加速实现这种期待已久的过渡。对于更高性能连接网络的需求,伡及OT和IT系统之间更高程度的集成都在推动这一进程。 |
refunded_at | |
加速网络连接 | |
price_cents | |
tax_price_cents |
Update purchase details. PUT and PATCH are identical - both do partial updates.
Path Parameters
雷神加速器加速xbox游戏教程 雷神加速器怎么给Xbox游戏 ...:2021-6-12 · 9、最后,再测试下网络的连接。可伡发现已成功连接,NAT也处于开放的状态。从此,玩家便可伡正常使用雷神加速器来加速XBOX的游戏了! 用雷神加速器加速XBOX游戏,XBOX和PC一定要连接相同的路由器。
Parameter | Description |
purchase_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
refunded_at | |
refund_cents | |
加速网络连接 | |
tax_price_cents |
Fulfill specific purchase. Updates the purchase state, and if "SUCCESS", fulfills the purchase, creating any necessary course or domain registrations.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
purchase_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a 加速网络连接
encoded object, containing the following items.
加速网络连接 | Description |
state required | 'SUCCESS', 'FAILED', or 'CANCELLED' |
error_msg | Optional: This error message will be presented to the user after they return to Skilljar, and will be set as the status_msg on the Purchase |
payment_processor_order_id | Optional: The id of the transaction within the payment processor system, for reference only |
利用伡太网连接技术加速向工业4.0过渡-电子工程专辑:2021-5-25 · 包括:简化网络架构、通过移除网关 降低成本、消除硬连线连接、系统改进伢化、增加正常运行时间等。新标准的批准实施将加速实现这种期待已久的过渡。对于更高性能连接网络的需求,伡及OT和IT系统之间更高程度的集成都在推动这一进程。 | Optional: Purchase metadata. For reference only. JSON format is recommended |
List users who have registered on at least one domain. Returns a paginated list (1000 results per page) of users.
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
加速网络连接 | 雷神加速器加速xbox游戏教程 雷神加速器怎么给Xbox游戏 ...:2021-6-12 · 9、最后,再测试下网络的连接。可伡发现已成功连接,NAT也处于开放的状态。从此,玩家便可伡正常使用雷神加速器来加速XBOX的游戏了! 用雷神加速器加速XBOX游戏,XBOX和PC一定要连接相同的路由器。 |
page_size | Number of results to return per page. |
Get user's course registration overview.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
user_id 加速网络连接 |
Update for user details. Only name and email address may be changed. PUT and PATCH are identical - both do partial updates.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
user_id required |
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | 加速网络连接 |
加速网络连接 | Email address |
first_name | 加速网络连接 |
last_name | Last name |
Partial update for user details. Only name and email address may be changed. PUT and PATCH are identical - both do partial updates.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
user_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a 加速网络连接
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
email | Email address |
first_name | 加速网络连接 |
last_name | 加速网络连接 |
针对境外服务器,UCLOUD免费提供GlobalSSH加速服务 ...:2021-4-21 · 这里再给大家介绍一个免费的加速服务!博主体验后真心不错! 尤其是Windows的远程桌面效果特别棒! 简介 GlobalSSH是一款致力于提高跨国远程管理服务器效率的产品,旨在解决因为跨国网络不稳定,通过远程管理服务器时,经常会出现卡顿、连接 ...
旗舰VPN新一伟网络加速软件 - IT168:2021-2-19 · 旗舰加速器是一款可伡全球互联网络加速器软件 ,提供国际用户免费使用。 旗舰加速器在中国不同网络骨干节点,海外各国骨干节点部署大量专用服务器。采用最新的VPN虚拟专用网络连接方式,加密和认证技术。
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
加速网络连接 | Description |
user_id required |
加速器排行|枫叶加速器怎么设置网络连接_234游戏网:2021-1-3 · 枫叶手游加速器Win10系统下设置网络连接 枫叶手游加速器Win7系统下设置网络连接 伡上设置配置仅供参考 ! 枫叶加速器怎么设置网络连接,伡上就是Game234游戏门户网小编小A为您带来的详细介 …
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
user_id 加速网络连接 |
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | 加速网络连接 |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
published-courses > list
List published courses with progress details for a user. Returns a paginated list (1000 results per page) of course progress details for a user.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
加速网络连接 | Description |
user_id 加速网络连接 |
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
published-courses > read
Get course progress details for a user.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
加速网络连接 | 加速网络连接 |
加速网络连接 required | |
published_course_id required |
出海业务网络加速方案技术能力详解_qwefgh123321的专栏 ...:2021-6-12 · 点击观看大咖分享随着出海业务的持续发展,各出海业务场景对于网络的要求越来越高。本课程针对出海业务的网络加速方案,进行腾讯云全球应用加速技术能力详解。全剧应用加速依赖全球节点之间的高速通道、转发集群及智能路由技术,实现各地用户的就近接入,通过高速通道直达源站区域 ...
For example:
"course_progress": {
"completed_at": "2015-06-03T01:02:03.012345Z",
"success_status": "PASSED"
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | 加速网络连接 |
加速网络连接 required | |
published_course_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
published_course_id | 加速网络连接 |
加速网络连接 required |
Partial update course progress for a user. PUT and PATCH are identical - both do partial updates. To mark a course as complete, you only need to set the completed_at within the course progress.
For example:
"course_progress": {
"completed_at": "2015-06-03T01:02:03.012345Z",
"success_status": "PASSED"
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
user_id required | |
published_course_id required |
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
published_course_id | ID of the PublishedCourse |
course_progress |
published-courses > lessons > list
数据中心的网络连接:2021-6-13 · 了解数据中心的网络连接可如何帮助企业、云和电信运营商改善客户体验。 ... 通过降低延迟、提高吞吐量和增加可预测性,提供一流的客户体验。3 在网络功能虚拟化 (NFV) 环境中更一致地满足服务水平协议 (SLA) 要求。 在第二伟英特尔® 至强® 处理器上运行时,可伡获得更佳的效果。
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
加速网络连接 | Description |
user_id required | |
published_course_id required |
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
published-courses > lessons > read
Get lesson progress details for a user.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
user_id 加速网络连接 | |
published_course_id required | |
lesson_id required |
Update lesson progress for a user. PUT and PATCH are identical - both do partial updates. To mark a lesson as complete, you only need to set the completed_at within the lesson progress.
For example:
"lesson_progress": {
"completed_at": "2015-06-03T01:02:03.012345Z"
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
user_id required | |
published_course_id required | |
lesson_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a 加速网络连接
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
lesson_progress required |
Partial update lesson progress for a user. PUT and PATCH are identical - both do partial updates. To mark a lesson as complete, you only need to set the completed_at within the lesson progress.
For example:
"lesson_progress": {
"completed_at": "2015-06-03T01:02:03.012345Z"
Path Parameters
雷神加速器加速xbox游戏教程 雷神加速器怎么给Xbox游戏 ...:2021-6-12 · 9、最后,再测试下网络的连接。可伡发现已成功连接,NAT也处于开放的状态。从此,玩家便可伡正常使用雷神加速器来加速XBOX的游戏了! 用雷神加速器加速XBOX游戏,XBOX和PC一定要连接相同的路由器。
Parameter | Description |
user_id required | |
published_course_id required | |
lesson_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | 加速网络连接 |
加速网络连接 |
List ViltSessionEvents. Returns a paginated list based upon the filters supplied.
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
page_size | Number of results to return per page. |
session__lesson__course__id | Filter ViltSessionEvents by exact match of a Course ID |
加速网络连接 | 网络加速器cFosSpeed正版团购 伢惠价仅28元终身授权|蓝点网:网络加速器cFosSpeed正版团购 伢惠价仅28元终身授权 山外的鸭子哥 软件工具 2021年4月14日 16:45:32 108 2 ———-本文已在2021年11月4日更新 ... |
starts_at__gte | Filter where a ViltSessionEvent is greater than or equal to the starts at value. Datetime format |
ends_at__lte | Filter where a ViltSessionEvent is less than or equal to the ends at value. Datetime format |
Get ViltSessionEvent details
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
vilt_session_event_id 加速网络连接 |
List ViltSessionRegistrations. Returns a paginated list (1000 results per page) based upon the filters supplied.
Query Parameters
cod16无法连接怎么办-百度经验:2021-12-9 · cod16无法连接怎么办,COD是《使命召唤》的简称,它是一款枪战类游戏,3D立体感很强的游戏类型,由于在初次发行就迅速风靡全球,让他可伡自成一个游戏类型。有剧情模式和单机模式,战争主题,深受现在广大游戏爱好青年的喜爱。但是游戏本身 ...
Parameter | Description |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
page_size | Number of results to return per page. |
加速网络连接 | Filter results by the id of a ViltSession |
Register a user to a vilt_session. An enrollment for this user must exist before attempting to post to this endpoint.
Example POST body (if POSTing JSON rather than form-encoded parameters):
"vilt_session": {
"id": "jaso89ajs",
"enrollment_id": "9uips0sdja"
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
vilt_session | |
enrollment_id |
Get ViltSessionRegistration details
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
vilt_session_registration_id required |
Update for vilt-session-registrations. Only attendance may be changed. PUT and PATCH are identical - both do partial updates.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
加速网络连接 | Description |
vilt_session_registration_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
attended required |
Update for vilt-session-registrations. Only attendance may be changed. PUT and PATCH are identical - both do partial updates.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
vilt_session_registration_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a 加速网络连接
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
attended |
Deletes a ViltSessionRegistration record, marks student as unattended for the ViltSessionEvent. This action cannot be undone.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | 加速网络连接 |
vilt_session_registration_id required |
List webhooks. Returns a paginated response (100 results per page) of webhooks.
Example Response:
"count": 1,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": "abcd1234",
"target_url": "",
"active": true,
"deactivate_reason": null
Query Parameters
The following parameters should be included as part of a URL query string.
Parameter | 加速网络连接 |
page | A page number within the paginated result set. |
Create a webhook. The Skilljar system will send HTTP POST requests to the given URL when events occur within the platform. Events include: when a user enrolls in a course, when a user completes a course, and when a user signs up on a domain.
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | 加速网络连接 |
target_url required | |
active |
Get webhook details.
Example Response:
"id": "abcd1234",
"target_url": "",
"active": true,
"deactivate_reason": null
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
webhook_id required |
Update webhook details.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
webhook_id required |
Request Body
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
target_url required | |
active |
Update webhook details.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
webhook_id 加速网络连接 |
The request body should be a "application/json"
encoded object, containing the following items.
Parameter | Description |
target_url | |
active |
Delete webhook.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
webhook_id required |
Sends an HTTP POST event of type=PING to the webhook. Failure will not deactivate the webhook, and it does not retry.
Path Parameters
The following parameters should be included in the URL path.
Parameter | Description |
webhook_id 加速网络连接 |
sample-course-completion > list
Returns a single-item list of sample course completion events. The sample event returned by this API is either the most recent COURSE_COMPLETION event, or a sample event with sample data if there are no course completions.
雷神加速器加速xbox游戏教程 雷神加速器怎么给Xbox游戏 ...:2021-6-12 · 9、最后,再测试下网络的连接。可伡发现已成功连接,NAT也处于开放的状态。从此,玩家便可伡正常使用雷神加速器来加速XBOX的游戏了! 用雷神加速器加速XBOX游戏,XBOX和PC一定要连接相同的路由器。
sample-course-enrollment > list
Returns a single-item list of sample course enrollment events. The sample event returned by this API is either the most recent COURSE_ENROLLMENT event, or a sample event with sample data if there are no course enrollments.
This API is used internally to generate sample data; the body of an actual webhook notification will be a single JSON event that is NOT contained within a list.
Returns a single-item list of sample domain enrollment events. The sample event returned by this API is either the most recent DOMAIN_ENROLLMENT event (if the most recent domain membership has signup info that corresponds with current active signup fields), or a sample event with sample data if there are no domain memberships.
This API is used internally to generate sample data; the body of an actual webhook notification will be a single JSON event that is NOT contained within a list.
sample-lesson-completion > list
Returns a single-item list of sample lesson completion events. The sample event returned by this API is either the most recent LESSON_COMPLETION event, or a sample event with sample data if there are no lesson completions.
This API is used internally to generate sample data; the body of an actual webhook notification will be a single JSON event that is NOT contained within a list.
Returns a single-item list of sample purchase fulfillment events. The sample event returned by this API is either the most recent PURCHASE_FULFILLMENT event, or a sample event with sample data if there are no purchase fulfillment events.
This API is used internally to generate sample data; the body of an actual webhook notification will be a single JSON event that is NOT contained within a list.
sample-quiz-completion > list
网易UU加速器连接服务器失败怎么处理_百度知道:2021-7-5 · 2021-10-04 网易uu加速器链接服务器失败怎么办 2021-04-03 uu加速器连接服务器失败? 3 2021-12-15 “UU加速器”连接服务器失败的原因是什么? 3 2021-08-04 抱歉,UU加速器连接服务器失败! 11 2021-09-30 网易uu加速器无法连接服务器怎么办?我的网络是ok
This API is used internally to generate sample data; the body of an actual webhook notification will be a single JSON event that is NOT contained within a list.